A pile of knitting projects, knitting needles and some wooden scissors.

How to Knit More: An Easy Hack to Sneak in More Stitches

Do you ever feel like you just can't find enough time to knit? Despite your best efforts, do your projects seem to stay on the needles for weeks, months, or even years?

If you're struggling to fit your knitting practice between all your other commitments and day-to-day responsibilities, you're definitely not alone. Many knitters face the challenge of finding enough time for their projects, with some lingering on the needles for what can seem like forever. This is especially true when learning a new skill or working on a less exciting section of a project (second sock syndrome, anyone?).

With so many time management tools and techniques available, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know where to start, often leading to even more stress. Fortunately, I’ve discovered a simple trick that I find incredibly helpful and would like to share with you.

A few years ago, I decided to learn to play the guitar. Despite my enthusiasm and desire to become an accomplished musician, I struggled with practising—I just couldn't find the time. It wasn’t uncommon for me to turn up to my weekly music lesson without having practiced even once.

I became increasingly discouraged and frustrated, unable to see how I would ever make progress. My practice pattern seemed very random: sometimes I would play multiple times a week or even more than once a day, while other times I would go weeks without getting my guitar out of its case.

One day, my husband said, “You should put your guitar away before one of us knocks it over.” Suddenly, it hit me—if I left my guitar out in the lounge room, I would pick it up regularly and play. But if it was safely tucked away in its case, I would hardly ever get it out. Out of sight, out of mind.

Here’s the simple trick to get more knitting done:

If you want to play the guitar more, knit more, or read more, put that thing somewhere you’ll see it and be reminded to use it. For knitting, try these ideas:

  • Leave your knitting next to the couch where you watch TV in the evenings.

  • Place it near the coffee table where you have your morning cup of tea.

  • Keep it in the car for when you’re waiting at school pick-up.

  • Store it in your bag so it’s always on hand.

  • Or in the bath—OK, maybe not in the bath, but you get the idea!

Think: Hidden away? Not today. See it. Knit it.

You might be surprised at how much more you can get done with this easy change. It’s worked wonders for me. Let me know in the comments where you plan to keep your knitting project to encourage you to pick it up more often.

Looking for a quick and easy project that will knit up in no time? Check out these Simple Knits & Quick Yarns.

*Header photo by Brian Blum on Unsplash.

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